Compiled by Calvin Capps ======================================================================================================================== Mission: The Enigma Factor Day: 1 Stardate: 2407.01.27 ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Bridge, CO Captain Eva Straton, 1345) (USS Paladin, Bridge, COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor, 1346) (USS Paladin - Deck 51, Main Engineering - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1346) (USS Paladin - Bridge - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1346) (USS Paladin, CMO’s Office – CMO Ensign (sg) Nissa Whetari – 1348) (USS Paladin - Deck 51, Main Engineering - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1348) (USS Paladin - Security Quarters - ACTO Ensign(jg) Detron Trei - 13.50) (USS Paladin, Bridge - COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1736) (USS Paladin, Bridge, CO Captain Eva Straton, 1737) (USS Paladin, Bridge, CEO LT Steven Matrix 1737) (USS Paladin, Bridge, CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee 1738) (USS Paladin - Bridge - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1739) (USS Paladin - Launch bay -Pilot Officer Smith -1739) (USS Paladin - Deck 51, Main Engineering - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1740) (USS Paladin, Bridge - COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1740) (USS Paladin - Deck 4, Transporter Room 1 - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1743) (USS Paladin - Deck 4, Transporter Room 1 - Science Officer Ensign (jg) Olesia Belden - 1743) (USS Paladin - Bridge - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1744) (USS Paladin - Transporter 1 - ACTO Ensign(jg) Detron Trei - 17.45) (USS Paladin, Transporter Room 1- COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1745) (USS Paladin – Transporter Room – Ensign SG CMO Nissa Whetari - 1747) (Unknown Vessel - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1748) (Unknown Vessel - Command Center - Science Officer Ensign (jg) Olesia Belden - 17:48) (Unknown Vessel – Bridge - Ensign SG CMO Nissa Whetari - 1749) (Unknown Vessel - COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1750) (Unknown Vessel - ACTO Ensign(jg) Detron Trei - 17.51) (Unknown Vessel - Control Center - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1751) (Unknown Vessel - Bridge - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1752) (Unknown Vessel - Bridge - ACTO Ensign(jg) Detron Trei - 17.55) (Unknown Vessel– Bridge – Ensign SG CMO Nissa Whetari – 1756) (Unknown Vessel – Bridge - Ensign SG CMO Nissa Whetari - 1802) (QHL Aiglos - Bridge - CO/Crown Prince Commander Galdor Orodrethion Amend - 18:20) (QHL Aiglos - Bridge - CO/Crown Prince Commander Galdor Orodrethion Amend - 18:20) (USS Paladin, Bridge, CO Captain Eva Straton, 1821) (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Bridge - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 18:22) (USS Paladin - Launch bay - Pilot Officer Smith -1823) (USS Paladin, Bridge, CO Captain Eva Straton, 1823) (USS Paladin, Bridge, ATAC Ensign K'ran 1825) (QHL Aiglos - Deck 1, Bridge - CO/Crown Prince Commander Galdor Orodrethion Amend - 18:25) (Unknown Vessel, Command Center - COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1826) (Unknown Vessel - Bridge - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1827) (USS Paladin - Launch bay - Pilot Officer Smith -1827) (Unknown Vessel - Control Center - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1828) (USS Paladin, Bridge, ATAC Ensign K'ran, 18:28) (USS Paladin, Bridge, CEO LT Matrix , 18:28) (Unknown Vessel - Bridge - COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1829) (Unknown Vessel - Control Center - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1830) (USS Paladin - Launch bay -Pilot Officer Smith -18.31) (Unknown Vessel – Bridge – Ensign SG CMO Nissa Whetari – 1832) (Unknown Vessel, Bridge - COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1832) (Unknown Vessel - Control Center - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1833) (Unknown Vessel – Bridge – Ensign SG CMO Nissa Whetari– 1833) (Unknown Vessel- Pilot officer Smith - 1833) (Unknown Vessel - Bridge - ACTO Ensign(jg) Detron Trei - 18.35) (QHKL Sunda - Deck 1, Bridge - Subspace Specialist Huor Mahtanion Inglorion - 18:36) (Unknown Vessel - Bridge - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1837) (Unknown Vessel - Bridge - ACTO Ensign(jg) Detron Trei - 18.40) (Unknown Vessel - Control Center - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1848) (Unknown Vessel - Engineering - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1849) (Unknown Vessel, Engineering - COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1850) (Unknown Vessel - Engineering - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1851) (Unknown Vessel – Engineering Section – Ensign SG CMO Nissa Whetari – 1851) (Unknown Vessel, Engineering - COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1851 ) (Unknown Vessel - Engineering - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1901) (Unknown Vessel, Engineering - COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1910) (Unknown Vessel - Engineering - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1915) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Bridge, CO Captain Eva Straton, 1345) Eva was leaning back relaxed in her command chair, for three days now they'd been patrolling their assigned sector with their escort ships the USS Praetor and the USS Shadow Stalker. Despite detecting several Romulan ships moving about on the other side of the neutral zone, things had been relatively quite. ~The sight of a Meredith class patrolling the boarder has probably surprised them and forced them to reconsider any nefarious actions they might have been planning.~ Eva thought as she looked over fuel consumption report while the crew went about their business around her. A sudden warning chirp from the operations console caught Eva's attention and she lowered the PADD she'd been reading to look at Ensign O'Connor. "Sir," O'Connor said, quickly working his console. "We are picking up a general distress call bearing 265 mark 45. It seems to be of unknown origin and in unclaimed space." "Plot a course," Eva said, setting the PADD down. "Inform the Praetor and Shadow Stalker that we are going to investigate. They are to remain on patrol. (Reply OPS) "Bridge to Engineering," Eva said, tapping her comm-badge. (Reply Engineering) "We have picked up a distress call and are going to investigate and lend what ever aide we can. We will need all available power," Eva said, sitting up in her chair. "Mr. O'Connor, what is our ETA at warp 7?" (Reply O'Connor) "Very well engage," Eva said, "And please inform sickbay to have medical teams standing by in case we have to take aboard wounded." Eva watched as the stars seemed to shift as the Paladin changed course and jumped to high warp. She looked over at Commander Capps sitting on her right. "You might want to have an Away Team ready as well. No telling what we might find." (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Bridge, COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor, 1346) Michael was on the bridge manning the ops console for the afternoon part of the alpha watch. The patrol had been uneventful and he was glad for that, in the midst of a war, a calm patrol was as good as R&R. He was pulled away from going over morning reports by a chirp on the comm system. "Sir," O'Connor said, quickly working his console. "We are picking up a general distress call bearing 265 mark 45. It seems to be of unknown origin and in unclaimed space." "Plot a course," Eva said, setting the PADD down. "Inform the Praetor and Shadow Stalker that we are going to investigate. They are to remain on patrol. "Aye sir," Michael said as he relayed the coordinates to the helm even as he was opening fleet com lines to the Praetor and the Shadow Stalker, letting them know the situation as well as receiving confirmation on the distress call from both of their ops officers. He also relayed the information to Strat Ops so they could move the patrol zones if needed, while the Captain contacted engineering. "Mr. O'Connor, what is our ETA at warp 7?" The Captain asked done with her conversation with the Engineering personnel Michael looked at the plotted course and had the computer run the quick calculation. "Sir, at warp 7 we'll be there in three hours, fifty minutes." "Very well engage," Eva said, "And please inform sickbay to have medical teams standing by in case we have to take aboard wounded." Michael looked over at the helmsman and nodded, watching him tap the necessary buttons that turned the ship toward the distress call and sent her to warp. Michael tapped his comm badge as he turned back, "Bridge to Dr. Whetari." (Reply Whetari) "Doctor, we've picked up a distress call in unexplored space. We will be arriving on scene in roughly 4 hours, please have medical teams on standby in case there are injured." Michael said. (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 51, Main Engineering - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1346) Ensign Christopher Adams walked around the lower deck of the cavernous engineering deck of the USS Paladin. His face looking down at a PADD while engineering techs walked around him. Periodically he would glance up to check a readout verifying what he was seeing on the PADD. Lieutenant Matrix was on duty on the bridge, leaving Adams to watch over engineering. Suddenly, Captain Straton's voice came over the comm system. =^=Bridge to Engineering.=^= Adams tapped his comm badge, "Engineering here." =^=We have picked up a distress call and are going to investigate and lend what ever aide we can,=^= explained the captain. =^=We will need all available power.=^= "Aye, captain," responded Adams. "Engineering out." Looking up at one of engineering techs on the catwalk at warp core 3, Adams yelled out, "You heard the captain! Bring Warp Core 3 online!" He then walked over to the main engineering table and tapped in the status of the warp core so that Ensign O'Connor and Lieutenant Matrix would be informed up on the bridge. (posted by Jason) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Bridge - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1346) Calvin sat in the First Officers chair on the bridge. His panel shifted so that it was sitting in front of him. He looked over the daily reports. Statuses in different departments were coming up on his panel. As he looked over the next shifts schedule for final review a chirp came from the OPS department. The First Officer noticed that the Captain, which was sitting next to him, lowered the PADD in her hand. Calvin then looked at the OPS Chief. "Sir," O'Connor said, quickly working his console. "We are picking up a general distress call bearing 265 mark 45. It seems to be of unknown origin and in unclaimed space." "Plot a course," Eva said, setting the PADD down. "Inform the Praetor and Shadow Stalker that we are going to investigate. They are to remain on patrol. "Aye sir," Michael said. "Bridge to Engineering," Eva said, tapping her comm-badge. =/\=Engineering here.=/\= Reported Adams. "We have picked up a distress call and are going to investigate and lend what ever aide we can. We will need all available power," Eva said, sitting up in her chair. "Aye, captain," responded Adams. "Engineering out." "Mr. O'Connor, what is our ETA at warp 7?" "Sir, at warp 7 we'll be there in three hours, fifty minutes." "Very well engage," Eva said, "And please inform sickbay to have medical teams standing by in case we have to take aboard wounded." Eva watched as the stars seemed to shift as the Paladin changed course and jumped to high warp. She looked over at Commander Capps sitting on her right. "You might want to have an Away Team ready as well. No telling what we might find." "Aye." Calvin said simply. He took his panel again and swiveled in front of him. He looked at his crew roster. After picking two very different away teams, but both accommodated specifically to certain aspects, he sent a notice to both teams to be ready for a possible away team mission in 3 and half hours. (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, CMO’s Office – CMO Ensign (sg) Nissa Whetari – 1348) =/\=Bridge to Dr. Whetari.=/\= Nissa set her latest report down and tapped her combadge. “Dr. Whetari here.” =/\=Doctor, we've picked up a distress call in unexplored space. We will be arriving on scene in roughly 4 hours, please have medical teams on standby in case there are injured.=/\= Ensign O’Connor said. “Acknowledged, Ensign O’Connor. I will ensure that we have a triage group ready in case we have a large volume of injured. Whetari out.” Nissa said as she closed the comlink and organized her workspace. She was mostly done with her reports and paperwork for the day, so she knew that could spend the next four hours checking up on patients and preparing Sickbay for whatever they found at the site of the distress call. (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 51, Main Engineering - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1348) Ensign Christopher Adams stood at the main engineering table typing the status of the engines into the operations panel so that the bridge crew could monitor the power output from the third warp core since he had ordered it activated. Suddenly the two other warp cores started to pulse at a faster rate. ~We must have entered warp,~ thought Adams. Looking down at the engineering panel his speculation was confirmed. A green panel flashed on the engineering display and Adams touched it revealing a message from the first officer. === Ensign JG Adams- You have been selected for possible away team duty in Away Team 1. Assemble necessary equipment and report to Transporter Room 1 in three and a half hours, if you are notified. -Lieutenant Commander Capps === ~Wow. My first away mission,~ thought Adams. He walked over to the equipment locker and pulled out an engineering case. Opening it up, he removed the tricorder and attached it to his belt. He closed the case and set it on the engineering table. (posted by Jason) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Security Quarters - ACTO Ensign(jg) Detron Trei - 13.50) Detron sat in his quarters drinking some Earth Iced Tea when he heard the new mission orders. The thought of a subspace rift troubled him because it could be the work of the Borg. He hated the Borg worse than Romulans. Nevertheless, He was ready for some action. ~Marvelous another unknown position in space. The last time he had seen a subspace rift it bumped the ship in question to the edge of the galaxy and a butt load of Borg were there to meet them. That would suck.~ (posted by Edward) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Bridge - COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1736) Michael was monitoring the sensors as the ship approached the location the distress call had been sent from when a red light started flashing on his panel. "Damn it! Helm, bring us out of warp and keep us 100,000 kilometers away from the ship," He said, and, once the Paladin had safely stopped, he turned around. "Captain I think we have a problem." (Reply Straton) "Sensors didn't pick it up until just now, there seems to be a subspace rift of some kind and the source of the distress call in right in the middle of it." Michael said, transferring the sensor readings directly to the Captains chair. (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Bridge, CO Captain Eva Straton, 1737) "Captain I think we have a problem," O'Connor said as the ship dropped out of warp. "Report,"Eva said, her eyes on the main view screen. "Sensors didn't pick it up until just now, there seems to be a subspace rift of some kind and the source of the distress call in right in the middle of it," O'Connor replied, transferring the sensor reading to Eva arm chair terminal. Eva looked at the readings quickly. "Lt. Brownlee?" Eva asked, the question obvious in her tone. (Reply Brownlee) "Are we detecting any life signs?" She asked next. (Reply Brownlee or O'Connor) Can we get a transport in an Away Team?" Eva asked next, looking toward the Engineering station. (Reply Matrix or whoever wants to be manning the Engineering station) "Commander Capps, assemble your Away Team," Eva ordered, nodding briefly toward her First Officer. (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Bridge, CEO LT Steven Matrix 1737) "Captain I think we have a problem," O'Connor said as the ship dropped out of warp. "Report,"Eva said, her eyes on the main view screen. "Sensors didn't pick it up until just now, there seems to be a subspace rift of some kind and the source of the distress call in right in the middle of it," O'Connor replied, transferring the sensor reading to Eva arm chair terminal. Eva looked at the readings quickly. "Lt. Brownlee?" Eva asked, the question obvious in her tone. (Reply Brownlee) "Are we detecting any life signs?" She asked next. (Reply Brownlee or O'Connor) Can we get a transport in an Away Team?" Eva asked next, looking toward the Engineering station. Matrix checked his monitor, "Yes, Captain, no problem." "Commander Capps, assemble your Away Team," Eva ordered, nodding briefly toward her First Officer. (posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Bridge, CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee 1738) "Captain I think we have a problem," O'Connor said as the ship dropped out of warp. "Report," Straton said, her eyes on the main view screen. "Sensors didn't pick it up until just now, there seems to be a subspace rift of some kind and the source of the distress call in right in the middle of it," O'Connor replied. "Lt. Brownlee?" the captain asked, the question obvious in her tone. "Yes, sir?" Joran said as he turned to face the captain. "Are we detecting any life signs?" She asked next. "Yes, we are, but I can't pick out secific lifesigns nor can I determine species, at least not from here. There are definitely people over there though." "Can we get a transport in an Away Team?" Straton asked next, looking toward the Engineering station. Matrix checked his monitor, "Yes, Captain, no problem." "Commander Capps, assemble your Away Team," she ordered, nodding briefly toward her First Officer. (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Bridge - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1739) "Commander Capps, assemble your Away Team," Eva ordered, nodding briefly toward her First Officer. Calvin immediately stood up. "Yes sir." He tapped his combadge as he moved to the turbolift. "Away team 1 report to transporter 1." Calvin stepped into the turbolift and Ensign O'Conner was right behind him. "Transporter 1. Are you ready to have some fun?" (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Launch bay -Pilot Officer Smith -1739) Jennifer looked out of the open bay doors as the stars slowed. They had dropped out of warp. ~Looks like were here~ There was nothing out there except the stars and coldness of space being held in check by the force field. She hard whine of the tractor beams and turned to look back into the launch bay. She watched as her fighter was moved into place. When the alert had been sounded she had drawn the short straw to be the alert five fighter. This meant that she had to sit on the launch pad ready to go at a moments notice. “Lieutenant Smith.” Jennifer turned to see the flight officer walk over to her with a PADD. Until she had signed off for her fighter it still belonged to him. “Shall we.” The flight officer nodded as they did a quick walk around. ~Nice to know that they’ve taken then dents out of it~ She took the PADD and entered her ID code and handed back the PADD. “Ow Lieutenant bring her back in one peace or you’ll be in trouble.” Jennifer grinned. “Don’t worry I’ll be nice there won’t even be a scratch.” She heard him mutter something as he headed over to the control booth situated near the ceiling.. She hit the access hatch and climbed into her fighter. She fitted her helmet into place and strapped her self in. “Computer commence start up sequence.” She felt the fighter come to life around her. “Paladin control this is Alert Five One comm check.” =^= Alert Five One receiving. New call sign you are Ghost Rider. Copy.=^= “Copy that Control new call sign Ghost Rider.” She felt vibrations of the engines as they started up. She watched as the console in front of her lit up green. “Paladin Control this is Ghost Rider. Preflight okay. I'm good to go.” =^= Copy that Ghost Rider=^= Now all she had to do was wait until she was needed. (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 51, Main Engineering - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1740) Ensign Christopher Adams walked around the engineering deck checking the various readings. The engines suddenly stopped their pulsing and Adams walked back to the engineering table to check the read outs. The ship had come out of warp and sensors were reporting a subspace rift in front of the ship. =^=Away team 1 report to transporter 1,=^= Commander Capps's voice commanded over the ensign's comm badge. Adams walked over to Ensign Tristen who was monitoring the subspace rift's effects on the power systems. "Tristen, I've been asked to join an away mission. That leaves you in charge down here. I will notify Lieutenant Matrix on the bridge." Adams then walked over to the engineering table where he typed a few commands into the table, picked up the engineering case, and headed to the turbolift. (posted by Jason) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Bridge - COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1740) Michael was sitting at Ops when the word came down to head over to the alien ship, Capps gave the order and Michael stood up grabbing the kit he had readied for just such an occasion, and followed the Commander into the Turbo lift. Calvin stepped into the turbolift and Ensign O'Conner was right behind him. "Transporter 1. Are you ready to have some fun?" "Always sir," Michael said. (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 4, Transporter Room 1 - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1743) Ensign Christopher Adams walked into Transporter Room One where he met up with a very striking young female Trill with long blonde hair. "Hello," he said extending his large hand while a half grin appeared on his face. "I'm Ensign Adams. Pleased to meet 'ya." (reply Belden) "Sorry," Adams responded wiping his hand on his uniform pants. "I'm a little nervous this being my first away mission and all." Also in the room was a Klingon as well as other people dressed in security uniforms. Suddenly a phaser came flying towards Adams making him drop his engineering case in order to catch it. "You won't get very far without that, Ensign," warned the transporter chief. "Th…thanks," replied Adams attaching the phaser to his belt and picking his case back up. A whoosh came from behind him and he turned around to see Commander Capps and Ensign O'Connor enter the transporter room. "Ensign Trei," said Capps looking towards the Klingon security officer. "You will be beaming with us, but I want your security team to beam immediately after us." (reply Trei) The commander then looked towards Adams and Belden. "Ensign Adams, Ensign Belden," he said nodding in their direction. The doors to the transporter room opened once again and a woman with long auburn hair walked through dressed in a blue uniform and carrying a medical case. "Let's go," commanded Capps as he walked up to the transporter pad. Ensign Adams followed the rest of the away team and walked up onto one of the transporter pads. (posted by Jason) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 4, Transporter Room 1 - Science Officer Ensign (jg) Olesia Belden - 1743) Ensign Christopher Adams walked into Transporter Room One where he met up with a very striking young female Trill with long blonde hair. "Hello," he said extending his large hand while a half grin appeared on his face. "I'm Ensign Adams. Pleased to meet 'ya." Olesia took his hand, and shook it. "A pleasure, ensign. Nervous?" "Sorry," Adams responded wiping his hand on his uniform pants. "I'm a little nervous this being my first away mission and all." "You'll be fine." Commander Capps nodded to Olesia and the young Adams, and she nodded back, as she followed him onto the transporter pad. "Ready when you are, sir." (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Bridge - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1744) The First Officer and Michael stepped inside of the transporter room. More than half his away team was already there. He looked at each of them. "Ensign Trei, you will be beaming with us, but I want your security team to beam immediately after us." (reply Trei) "Ensign Adams, Ensign Belden." Calvin looked at them to acknowledge their presents. Only a few seconds later the doors hissed open behind the Lt Cmdr and he could only guess it was his last away team member. He turned. He watched Ensign Whetari walk in the room with med kit ready. He nodded in her direction. "Lets go." Calvin said sharply as he stepped on to the transporter pad. He watched the rest of his team step on too. (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Transporter 1 - ACTO Ensign(jg) Detron Trei - 17.45) Detron entered Transporter Room 1 followed by four red shirts to complete his security team. Detron clipped a phaser to his belt and the team mimiced his action. "We are ready for transport sir" He said to Commander Capps. Capps responded, "Good wait a few seconds after we clear the transporter pads then beam down to our position.. Trei, "Aye sir. Team act on my signal. Until then, stand alert." ~This will be exciting. My first away security mission to lead. Lets Rock and Roll.~ (posted by Edward) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Transporter Room 1- COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1745) The First Officer and Michael stepped inside of the transporter room. More than half the away team was already there. While the Commander briefed the away team, Michael nodded to the transporter operator. "Sir, we are having a problem getting a solid target lock on the beam over coordinates." The operator said to Michael. Michael stepped up to the controls and looked at things, he had been worried about subspace rupture causing problems. "Narrow the Annular confinement beam by 20%, and cross link the targeting sensors to the lateral sensor array, that should give us better resolution and give us a solid lock." Michael said, and with a little more adjusting, managed to get a solid lock. Michael rejoined the away team and grabbed his gear. "Lets go." Calvin said sharply as he stepped on to the transporter pad. He watched the rest of his team step on too. (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin – Transporter Room – Ensign SG CMO Nissa Whetari - 1747) ~Come on, Come on, Come…~ The doors of the Turbolift hissed open and Nissa rushed off and into the corridor. She had half expected to walk right into a crewmember, but the hall was completely empty near the lift. Everything was ready in Sickbay and Nissa had her staff standing by for casualties, but after checking up on Dr. Keller and Nurse Florence before she left and adding some extra emergency items to her med kit, Nissa found herself running a bit late. Attentive nurses and emergency medical personnel were milling around Sickbay as she quickly strode towards the Transporter room’s door, though Nissa wondered if she should have enlisted a Nurse to accompany her. ~Too late now, you are already behind,~ Nissa reminded herself. Her slightly sweaty hand gripped her med kit a tad tighter as she entered. She brushed a lock of hair back nervously as she took note of everyone else in the room. "Lets go." Commander Capps said after turning and seeing Nissa enter. Ensign O’Connor, who had been over near the Transporter controls when Nissa first arrived, and the rest of the team moved to the transporter pad as Nissa hurriedly scampered up and prepared herself for transport. (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1748) A sparkling white environment surrounded Calvin as his body was torn to apart atom by atom. The transporter then sent the atoms over to the away team's destinations. Seconds later he could feel his body becoming solid again. A dark environment began to replace the white one. As all the transporter phases ended Calvin could feel his weight against the artificial gravity. Whatever race the ship was from, the home world must have a higher gravity than what Federation ships use. Calvin could feel his body being pulled to the ground slightly more than what he was use to. The First Officer looked around. It seemed they had beamed on to the control center. The bridge maybe. He didn't know how many of the unknown race were on the bridge, but he saw at least 4 from where he was standing. The motionless bodies were stiff, and looked to be unconscious or dead. "Dr. Whetari check on these people." (reply Whetari) "Ensign Trei check the rest of this room out, and see if there are any one alive." (reply Trei) "Ensign O'Conner and Ensign Adams lets see if we can get power back on, and internal sensors." (reply O'Conner, Adams) "Ensign Belden, find what these people were doing here. Take the help of Adams if you need any." (reply Belden) Calvin watched as the different away team moved to do their respected task. Calvin walked over to what seemed to be a center chair in the room. Maybe a command chair. He looked at the body. "These people have some resemblance to Vulcanoids. But this ship is like something I have never seen before." (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel - Command Center - Science Officer Ensign (jg) Olesia Belden - 17:48) Olesia materialized in a darkened room, very similar to the bridge of an old-style starship: very cramped for a bridge. She let out an audible grunt as she was overtaken by the higher gravity on the ship, somewhere betwen 1 and 2 G's, she guessed. After a few moments, though, she was able to move around with some semblance of efficiency, and looked over at Capps. "Ensign Belden, find what these people were doing here. Take the help of Adams if you need any." "Aye, sir. Ensign Adams, I'll take this console here, you look through the console on the opposite side of this room. The first thing we must do is see if we can find some kind of translation matrix to see if there's anything here we can use." (reply Adams) She walked over to the console, and saw a person slumped over on it. She felt his neck. It came away with yellow blood. "This one's dead, sir," she shouted to Capps. She did her best to move the body off the console, but couldn't on her own. "Ensign Adams, help me move this body." (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel – Bridge - Ensign SG CMO Nissa Whetari - 1749) Having transported over to the vessel, Nissa waited as her eyes adjusted to the slight darkness. When she took a step to look at what seemed to be motionless shapes on the floor, she noticed that the gravity on this ship seemed a little stronger than what she was used to on the Paladin. Commander Capps must have seen more than she did, as he spoke, he confirmed her initial suspicions about the shapes. "Dr. Whetari check on these people." ”Aye, Commander.” She replied, hurrying over to the bodies and pulling out her medical tricorder. It quickly confirmed what appeared to be the case; that n one of the four had survived. She noticed from a cursory visual inspection that the aliens bore a slight resemblance to Vulcans, though the stats she was reading on her tricorder indicated that their physiology was different. Nissa turned as she heard someone use the word survivor. “Where is the survivor?” She said as she squinted into the shadows from where the voice came, carefully moving that way. (Reply Trei) “I will take it from here, thank you Ensign. It is best for me to make a determination as quickly as possible and transport the patient to an isolated section of Sickbay as soon as we can. When you encounter any other survivors, please alert me and I will make my way over to them.” Nissa replied, noticing that she had never actually met the Klingon Security officer before this. The female that had grabbed the Ensign’s leg had some green substance covering her pale hand. Without knowing more about it, Nissa refrained from touching it, but her tricorder indicated that it may be a silicon-based lubricant. From what she could determine from the tricorder, the female was injured and needed more treatment than Nissa could provide. Leaning over the patient, Nissa decided to reassure her by explaining the situation, though she wasn’t certain how much the universal translator could do without hearing more samples of the language. “You are injured. We are friendly and we are going to transport you to our ship for medical treatment.” Nissa said in her best quiet, soothing voice. Changing tone, Nissa tapped her combadge. “Whetari to Transporter Room – one patient to beam directly to the prepared section of Sickbay.” The alien dematerialized a moment later. “Any other survivors?” Nissa said out into the shadows. “Does anyone need medical assistance?” (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel - COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1750) Michael blinked as he rematerialized on the darkened ship, his body pulling at him in what was obviously a heavier gravity than he was used to. "Dr. Whetari check on these people." (reply Whetari) "Ensign Trei check the rest of this room out, and see if there are any one alive." (reply Trei) "Ensign O'Conner and Ensign Adams lets see if we can get power back on, and internal sensors." Michael nodded and moved to the nearest wall which had what looked to be an access panel. He put his kit down on the ground and kneeled by the panel. "Adams, help me get this cover off. If gravity is still working, then that means that at the bare minimum, the aux power systems are working. If we can find whatever passes for an EPS port we can try and set up a cross link between the environmental controls and the rest of the systems, hopefully bring back online the internal sensors and the computer system, then maybe we can get some answers." Michael said in his Irish brogue. "That is, assuming they use anything we can recognize for a power distribution system. If not, we will just have to wing it, I want a look at the computer system as soon as we can bring it back online." (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel- ACTO Ensign(jg) Detron Trei - 17.51) Detron saw a white glow change to a dark room. He felt a greater pull than on the Paladin. The security team waited for orders. Capps said, "Search the room for life and secure the room." Trei, "Aye sir. Brooks, Atwood stay with Cmdr Capps. Ames and Brei come with me ." Detron heard a collective "Aye sir" when he stated the order. He felt a sense of authority but not inflated by the power it suggested. The alien species was one he never seen before. Detron , along with Ames and Brei, searched the north side of the room. The darkness of the room made it hard to see anything. After their eyes adjusted, Detron spotted an alien lying in the corner. He bent down to check for life signs when a green hand grabbed his ankle. "Ames. Assist the survivor over for medical attention. Brei remain with me. I see another survivor." (posted by Edward) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel - Control Center - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1751) The dark room became illuminated from the transporter beam as the away team from the USS Paladin appeared. Ensign Christopher Adams's knees buckled as the gravity of the unknown ship took effect. He reached into his case and pulled out a palm beacon which he strapped to his left hand. They appeared to be in the control center of the ship, perhaps the bridge. There were several bodies around the bridge. Commander Capps instructed the away team to start searching various areas of the ship. "Ensign O'Connor and Ensign Adams, let's see if we can get power back on, and internal sensors." Adams nodded and followed O'Connor over to the nearest wall where an access panel appeared to be. O'Connor knelt down in front of the panel, "Adams, help me get this cover off." Adams knelt down with a grunt next to the Ops officer. "If the gravity is still working," continued O'Connor. "Then that means that at the bare minimum, the aux power systems are working. If we can find what ever passes for an EPS port we can try and set up a cross link between the environmental controls and the rest of the systems, hopefully bring back online the internal sensors and the computer system, then maybe we can get some answers. That is, assuming they use anything we can recognize for a power distribution system. If not, we will just have to wing it, I want a look at the computer system as soon as we can bring it back online." Both grasping the panel the two officers were able to pull it off. Pulling his tricorder off of his belt, Ensign Adams scanned the circuitry behind the panel. "Hmmm. You are correct. The auxiliary power is still operational and these systems don't seem that far off from our technology. I have some optical cable in my case which I can use to re-route the power from the environment system to the computer systems. There isn't enough power in order to do much more than that…" "Ensign Adams, help me move this body," asked Ensign Belden from a couple of meters away. "Just a second, Belden," responded Adams. "I should be finished over here in a second." Looking back at O'Connor, "There isn't enough power to drive more than the computers. You are going to have to check the power distribution and see if you can re-route power once the computers come online." Ensign Adams picked up his case and pulled out a meter worth of optical cable. Reaching inside the panel he found the EPS taps and used his hyperspanner to connect the cabling from the auxiliary power to the computer systems. He picked up his tricorder and did one last check. "Try it now," said Adams. (reply O'Connor) Ensign Adams grasped the wall and with a grunt rose up to his feet once again. The heavier gravity was starting to make the young ensign a little winded. He lumbered over to Ensign Belden as she pulled on the body which was slumped over one of the command consoles. "You push, I'll pull," instructed Adams. "One…two…three…" Adams pulled on the arm of the body and it tumbled to the ground. (reply Belden) Ensign Adams then walked back over to O'Connor to see if he needed any help re-routing the power to the other systems. (posted by Jason) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel - Bridge - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1752) Shortly after Calvin gave out his orders to the away team, and after he examined a body in the center chair he stepped away from scene. He then tapped his combadge. "Capps to Captain Straton." (reply Straton) "We made it here ok. We have found multiple bodies. Some survivors, some dead already." Calvin looked around the bridge and saw that a body was being beamed off. "Dr. Whetari is beaming the survivors to the Paladin sickbay." (reply Straton) "We have very little power. Ensign O'Conner and Adams are working on that now. We haven't found any clues as to what is going on yet, but from what it looks like this ship was under major stress to kill and knock these people around. Ensign Belden is working on find out what happened and what this rift is about." (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel - Bridge - ACTO Ensign(jg) Detron Trei - 17.55) Detron thanked Whetari for taking the survivor. He watched the female survivor beam off the floor. He went back to the corner with Brei. When he saw movement, he alerted Whetari. "Whetari. I found another survivor." Detron stayed with the male survivor until Whetari came to take care of him. Detron looked around for others but found none. ~Why did Whetari look at me like I had two heads. I guess she is not used to Klingon /Betazoid hybrids. So be it. It will take time to get comfortable with everybody.~ (posted by Edward) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel – Bridge – Ensign SG CMO Nissa Whetari – 1756) Ensign Trei responded to Nissa’s call. "Whetari. I found another survivor." Treading delicately over to where the Klingon stood, she noticed that Trei had some strange features for a Klingon. Only noticing because the light was slightly different here, Nissa stared for a moment, not sure how to place the features. She realized that her actions might seem rude and gave Trei a smile and a nod before examining the patient as Trei moved on. (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel – Bridge - Ensign SG CMO Nissa Whetari - 1802) Nissa watched as another survivor dematerialized off the ship and, one would assume, into Sickbay. She and the team had discovered five other injured among the bodies on the vessel and Nissa just finished sending the third to Sickbay. The remaining survivors had less serious injuries, though one was just barely lucid and, when he spoke, seemed belligerent and hostile towards Nissa and the team, whom he viewed as outsiders. She was certain that he would survive and that she could remedy his injuries on the ship, though she was also hesitant to transport him over to Sickbay, lest he become violent and attack one of her nurses before Security could intervene. ~If his crew mates have attitudes and beliefs resembling his, however, they may become just as problematic as they revive on our ship,~ Nissa mused, frowning. (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (QHL Aiglos - Bridge - CO/Crown Prince Commander Galdor Orodrethion Amend - 18:20) Galdor stood up as the Aiglos dropped out of warp, and looked at the ship on the screen. The Aiglos, he knew, had the capability to remedy the situation, and hopefully save some of the crew. There was, however, no possible way of saving the ship without risking the Aiglos herself. "We've reached the Sunda, your highness," Huor, his helmsman, said. "But is seems," Galdor replied, "that's not our biggest problem. Eol," he said, turning to his tactical officer, "give me a tactical scan of that ship." Eol's hands flew across his console, then looked back up, saying, "1500 meters, full 360° phaser coverage, 9 torpedo launchers, regernerative primary shields, high-power secondary shields. She's a warship that could possibly outgun us." "Very well, we should be cautious. Meldamiriel, hail them." The communications chief pressed a few buttons, and said, "They're responding, sir." "This is Crown Prince Galdor of the Kirim warship Aiglos. You have violated the territory of the United Kingdom of Kiria. If you do not withdraw immediately and leave our nationals to us, we will consider this an act of war and will be forced to open fire." (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (QHL Aiglos - Bridge - CO/Crown Prince Commander Galdor Orodrethion Amend - 18:20) =/\=This is Captain Eva Straton of the USS Paladin, representing the United Federation of Planets," Eva said to alien commander, her voice carefully neutral. "We are responding to a distress call and are rendering technical and medical assistance. Several of your citizens are receiving medical aid in our sickbay at present. Meanwhile our away team is trying to stabilize the vessel trapped in the subspace rift and ascertain what happened. We are more than willing to turn the wounded over to you. Allow us to recall our Away Team-=/\= At that point, the communication was terminated. The Aiglos shuddered, much like it did under weapons fire. Galdor, completely unprepared for it, was sent reeling out of his seat, and landed between the helm and operations console with a thud. He picked himself up, and sat back down again. "Report!" "The rift has expanded, Highness. The Sunda engaged her engines, and the rift became agitated, and expanded," Huor said. "Get me the Federation starship again." "Yes, your highness." As soon as the Federation captain's face appeared on the screen again, he let her have it. "How dare you attempt to hijack one of our ships, with our people still on it, and risk all of our lives? How dare you? Once the Council and my father hear of this, such a wave of retribution will sweep over your 'Federation' you will wish that ypu had never been born! And I promise, I will find your ship and destroy it myself! We may have made the mistake of trusting the Borg, but we won't make it again!" (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Bridge, CO Captain Eva Straton, 1821) Eva was sitting in her command chair waiting for a follow up report from Commander Capps, aware that several of the injured crew from the unknown craft were now being treated in the Paladin's sickbay. Things had been progressing slowly on the alien craft as the Away Team tried to piece together what had happened and what had cause the subspace rift that was still visible on the main viewer. "Captain," Ensign K'ran said suddenly from the tactical station. "Unknown ship approaching at high warp. Bearing 345 mark 76." "On screen," Eva ordered, the view screen quickly changing to show the approaching ship. "Tactical!" Eva snapped sharply. The main View screen split to show a tactical readout of the new arrival on one half and the subspace rift and the ship trapped within on the other. The new arrival was obviously a battleship, with enough weapons and shielding to give even a Keltoi class a run for its money. Individually though it was no match for the Paladin. "We're being hailed," Ensign Knightly said from the OPS station. "On Screen," Eva said as she stood. =/\=This is Crown Prince Galdor of the Kirim warship Aiglos. You have violated the territory of the United Kingdom of Kiria. If you do not withdraw immediately and leave our nationals to us, we will consider this an act of war and will be forced to open fire.=/\= ~Rather belligerent considering he have him out gunned.~ Eva thought, though her facial expression never changed. "This is Captain Eva Straton of the USS Paladin, representing the United Federation of Planets," Eva said to alien commander, her voice carefully neutral. "We are responding to a distress call and are rendering technical and medical assistance. Several of your citizens are receiving medical aid in our sickbay at present. Meanwhile our away team is trying to stabilize the vessel trapped in the subspace rift and ascertain what happened. We are more than willing to turn the wounded over to you. Allow us to recall our Away Team-" Eva stopped suddenly as alarms started to go off all around her. "Captain, the rift is growing!" Knightley shouted suddenly. "Back us away," Eva snapped, "Half impulse. Keep us out that rift!" The entire ship shuddered and Eva had to grab hold of the back of Ensign Knightley's chair to remain on her feet. Looking at the view screen, Eva could see that the Aiglos was also backing away from the now growing rift. "Lt. Brownlee! Report!" Eva snapped, making her way back to her command chair and throwing herself into it. (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Bridge - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 18:22) The bridge shuddered, and Joran saw the picture of the commander of the other vessel get a little fuzzy, and be replaced with a picture of the Aiglos backing away. Straton turned toward Joran. "Lt. Brownlee! Report!" Joran looked at his monitors and relayed the information back to the captain. "The ship stuck in the rift engaged the engines and the rift was agitated by it and expanded. We've lost our lock on the away team, and we had better not try a shuttle. One more firing of an engine, and we might be caught too." (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Launch bay - Pilot Officer Smith -1823) Jennifer saw move meant out the side of her cockpit. As she turned she saw some fighters being moved into position. ~Something must be happening~ She watched as the fighters were placed and there pilots began their start up sequences. =^= Control to all pilots. We are being approached by an unidentified ship. Flights are a follows. Typhoon flight of four, Mirage flight of four and Ghost Rider flight of ...=^= Suddenly the red alert klaxon sounded. ~Ow hell, This is not good~ =^=Red Alert, All pilots to there fighters, Stand by to scramble, Stand by to scramble.=^= (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Bridge, CO Captain Eva Straton, 1823) Eva listened to Lt. Brownlee's report on the subspace rift's expansion with a frown. ~Why would their engines cause the rift to expand?~ She thought. "Work on reestablishing contact with the Away Team," She ordered as she turned back toward the main view screen. "The other alien ship is hailing us again," Knightley said from the operations console. "On screen," Eva said, looking at Knightley briefly before looking back at the view screen to continue her conversation with the captain of the other alien vessel. =/\=How dare you attempt to hijack one of our ships,=/\= the Alien commander yelled. =/\= with our people still on it, and risk all of our lives? How dare you? Once the Council and my father hear of this, such a wave of retribution will sweep over your 'Federation' you will wish that you had never been born! And I promise, I will find your ship and destroy it myself! We may have made the mistake of trusting the Borg, but we won't make it again!=/\= Eva's eyes narrowed dangerously. ~He's throwing a temper tantrum. Wonderful, I'm dealing with a spoiled brat who can't even control his temper.~ "I'm sorry," Eva replied, her voice taking on a hard edge. "I don't think you heard me the first time, perhaps your translation program is malfunctioning. As I said, we are responding to a *distress* call and are rendering medical and technical assistance. I am still prepared to return your wounded being treated in our sickbay. However, at no time did we 'high jack' your ship, nor are we holding your citizens hostage. As I see it, we are both in the same situation as due to the rifts expansion we have lost contact with our Away Team and are unable to retrieve them, as I was prepared to do. Now, we can either work together to figure out what happened, recover the ship, and seal the rift or I can blow you and your ship to atoms and do the job ourselves, it's your choice. And if you were stupid enough to trust the Borg, you got what you deserved." She looked back at Knightley. "Launch all fighters, and have them assume defensive posture." She looked up at K'ran at tactical. "Raise shields, and lock all weapons on to the Aiglos. Be prepared to fire upon my command." (Reply Knightley, K'ran) Eva turned her attention back to the alien commander as the Red Alert sounded behind her and the Paladin prepared for combat. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at the alien commander still on the screen. "It's your call," She said, her voice deadly serious. "Your ship is no match for the Paladin, so think long and hard before you throw away the lives of you and your crew. We came to render assistance, but we are fully prepared to defend ourselves as well." (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Bridge, ATAC Ensign K'ran 1825) At the tactical station, K'ran kept an eye on the monitor for anything that could threaten the ship. Her eyes locked on an alien ship of unknown origin was fast approaching. "Captain," K'ran said, suddenly from the tactical station. "Unknown ship approaching at high warp. Bearing 345 mark 76" K'ran kept a close eye on the war ship as it approached the Paladin. Looking at the alien vessel, the ensign felt a surge in her heart. She had a feeling this was going to get messy. K'ran went through the standard checks of weapons and shields for the Paladin. She was pleased to see everything was running at optimin level. "On screen," Captain Straton ordered, the view screen shifting to show the approaching ship. "Tactical..." The screen split to show a tactical readout of the new arrival on one half and the subspace rift and the ship trapped within on the other. The new arrival was obviously a battleship with enough weapons and shielding to give even a Keltoi class a run for its money. Individually though it was no match for the Paladin. "We're being hailed," Esign Knightly said from the Ops Station. "On screen," Eva said as she stood. =/\= This is Crown Prince Galdor of the Kirim warship Aiglos. You have violated the territory of the United Kingdom Kiria. If you do not withdraw imeadiately and leave our nationals to us, we will consider this an act of war and will be forced to open fire. =/\= Listening to the arrogant alien, K'ran gave the softest snort of amusement knowing the Paladin was more than a match for the alien warship. Her eyes were watching the new ship with a hard eye to be ready for an attack should the other ship be so foolish. Her heart was pounding a bit in her excitement but she remained focused on what she needed to do. "This is Catain Eva Stration USS Paladin, representing the United Federation of Planets," Eva said to the alien commander, her voice carefuly neautral. "We were answering a distress call and are rendering techinical and medical assistance. Several of your citizens are recieving medical aid in our sickbay at present. Meanwhile, our away team is trying to stablize the vessel trapped in the subspace rift and asscertain what happened. We are more than willing to turn the wounded over to you. Allow us to recall our away team.-" The Captain stopped as alarms started going off all around her. "Captain, the rift is growing," Knightly shouted suddendly. "Back us away," Eva snapped, "Half impulse... Keep us out of that rift." The entire ship shuddered and the captain grabbed onto the back of Knightly's chair to remain on her feet. Looking at the view screen, Eva could see the Aiglos was also backing away from the now growing rift. "Lt. Brownlee! Report!" Eva snapped, making her way back to her command chair and throwing herself into it. (reply Galdor, Brownlee, away team, any) K'ran managed to keep her balance as the ship struggled to move away from the subspace rift. Her mind remained focused on the alien ship that was threatening the Paladin. "Main phaser banks... photon, and qaumtum torpedoes are armed, Captain," the Klingon hybrid said, making sure the weapons were at ready for the command. "Shields are at maximum. Standing by for your command." (posted by Carol) ======================================================================================================================== (QHL Aiglos - Deck 1, Bridge - CO/Crown Prince Commander Galdor Orodrethion Amend - 18:25) "How dare you attempt to hijack one of our ships, with our people still on it, and risk all of our lives? How dare you? Once the Council and my father hear of this, such a wave of retribution will sweep over your ' Federation' you will wish that you had never been born! And I promise, I will find your ship and destroy it myself! We may have made the mistake of trusting the Borg, but we won't make it again!" The Federation captain's eyes narrowed noticeably on the screen. =/\=I'm sorry,=/\= she replied, her voice taking on a hard edge. =/\=I don't think you heard me the first time, perhaps your translation program is malfunctioning. As I said, we are responding to a *distress* call and are rendering medical and technical assistance. I am still prepared to return your wounded being treated in our sickbay. However, at no time did we 'high jack' your ship, nor are we holding your citizens hostage. As I see it, we are both in the same situation as due to the rifts expansion we have lost contact with our Away Team and are unable to retrieve them, as I was prepared to do. Now, we can either work together to figure out what happened, recover the ship, and seal the rift or I can blow you and your ship to atoms and do the job ourselves, it's your choice. And if you were stupid enough to trust the Borg, you got what you deserved. Launch all fighters, and have them assume defensive posture. Raise shields, and lock all weapons on to the Aiglos. Be prepared to fire upon my command.=/\= She looked at him very menacingly across space, as Eol turned to his commanding officer. "Your highness, I'm picking up multiple small craft converging in front of the Paladin. They're hevily armed. I believe them to be fighters. She's also trained all her weapons on us." ~Gods in the heavens!~ Galdor thought. =/\=It's your call,=/\= the Federation captain said, her voice deadly serious. =/\=Your ship is no match for the Paladin, so think long and hard before you throw away the lives of you and your crew. We came to render assistance, but we are fully prepared to defend ourselves as well.=/\= For a few moments longer than he wished, Galdor just stared at the image of the opposing commander. Finally, he sat down again, and let out a sigh of frustration. "Very well, Straton," he said, woefully mispronouncing her extremely foreign name, "you win. Am I right to assume that your transporters are being interrupted?" (reply Straton, assuming a yes) "As are ours. We will send over a shuttle to fetch you to our ships so we can negotiate a resolution to this situation." (reply Straton) Once the signal was terminated, he put his hands over his face. He didn't feel well at all. He felt like he had just tucked-tail to a foreigner in his own kingdom. ~What have I done?~ he asked himself. (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel, Command Center - COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1826) Michael had spent the last half an hour working on various system, cross linking them so he could get power back to the navigational systems. The one thing he was glad of was the innate design standards that most humanoid species used, even if they had never met. Scavenging some power cables he had managed to get the computer back online. He sat up and looked at the control panel in front of him, and after a few attempts at deciphering the alien writing, and a couple of brief experiments with his tricorder managed to figure out which controls operated the navigational systems and the power distribution systems. "Commander, I'm rerouting emergency power to the engines now, once we get the engines back on line we should be able to restore a semblance of full power to the rest of the systems and move us out of the rift." Michael said over his shoulder to the Commander. (Reply Capps) "Aye sir," Michael said, "Engines starting in what looks," Michael never got to finish his sentence, as soon as power was restored to the engines, the entire ship began to shake and toss about like a boat caught in a storm. "Son of a..." Michael said as the sensors started screaming bloody murder. Slapping the flashing red button that accompanied all engine control panels Michael shut the engines back down. "Sir, sensors indicate that the rift just expanded when we turned the engines back on. I've powered them down again, and I don't think we're gonna drive this ship out of the rift. Belden, Adams, any possible idea what this rift is?" Michael said, turning to the Engineer and Science Officer. (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel - Bridge - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1827) "Commander, I'm rerouting emergency power to the engines now, once we get the engines back on line we should be able to restore a semblanceof full power to the rest of the systems and move us out of the rift." Michael said over his shoulder to the Commander. "Nice work. I will contact the Paladin. Lets get out of this rift." Calvin began to push in his combadge as Michael counted down to the engines starting. "Aye sir," Michael said, "Engines starting in what looks," The metal plateing began to move underneath Calvin feet. It made his body unbalanced and he began to fall toward the floor. He put his hands out in front of him to catch himself. As soon of the shaking began it stopped. "Sir, sensors indicate that the rift just expanded when we turned the engines back on. I've powered them down again, and I don't think we're gonna drive this ship out of the rift. Belden, Adams, any possible idea what this rift is?" Calvin was now breathing heavy from the fall. His heart rate jumped a little, but he was ok. This wasn't his first time for an away mission to go sour. The First Officer looked at Belden and Adams for a second. "O'Conner give as much power we need to work these consoles only. Do it little by little. We don't want to expand the rift again." (reply O'Conner) Calvin then looked at Christopher and Olesia. "Lets see if we can access logs or past sensor readings. We need to be more careful next time we try something." (reply Adams, Belden) Once again the Lt Cmdr tapped his combadge but a short chirp bounced back to him. He tried again, and the same chirp as before sounded. It seemed communication was being effected some how. He walked over to a console. "Communication is down, I will try to set up a link with the Paladin." (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Launch bay - Pilot Officer Smith -1827) As Jennifer looked left and right she saw a flurry of activity as the deck crew were hurriedly placing all the fighters on to deck. She watched as the pilots ran to their fighters. She watched as her the rest of her flight appeared on her HUD in front of her. ~Looks like every one is here~ She activated her comms. "Flight comms check." =^=Two copy=^= =^=Three Copy=^= =^=Four Copy=^= "Ghost Rider flight is good to go." =^=Copy that Ghost Rider=^= Jennifer looked across at the other squadrons as the finished there pre-flight. ~Wounder if Rath and Menelian are here as well~ (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel - Control Center - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1828) Ensign Christopher Adams had spent the last half hour working with Ensign O'Connor getting the engines up and going. In order to get any response at all, they had rerouted around at least a dozen collapsed power conduits, or at least this ship's version of a power conduit. "Commander," Ensign O'Connor stated getting the attention of Commander Capps. "I'm rerouting emergency power to the engines now, once we get the engines back on line we should be able to restore a semblance of full power to the rest of the systems and move us out of the rift." "Nice work," responded the commander. "I will contact the Paladin. Let's get out of this rift." "Aye sir," Michael said. "Engines starting in what looks like…three…two…one…and," Ensign Adams stood beside O'Connor when he touched the last panel which engaged the engine. The whole bridge started to shake sending Adams onto his side with a thud. "Son of a…," screamed O'Connor, shutting down the engines. Adams slowly got up the increased gravity still pulling against his large frame. Returning to one of the engineering stations, he started pulling up a diagnostic of the engine. "Sir," reported O'Connor. "Sensors indicate that the rift just expanded when we turned the engines back on. I've powered them down again, and I don't think we're gonna drive this ship out of the rift. Belden, Adams," started O'Connor looking at the engineering and science officers. "Any possible idea what this rift is?" Adams continued to look down at the engineering panel and the diagnostic he was running. "I think I got something," stated Adams to the whole room. "I don't quite understand the science behind why the rift is expanding, but I think I know the cause. It turns out that this ship is similar to Romulan engine technology in that their engine is powered by an artificial quantum singularity. This ship must have come across a subspace tear and when the two came in contact, it caused a cascading power inversion. Pretty much destroying systems all across the ship from the inside out." (reply O'Connor, Belden) "The only option I see," continued Adams. "Is to get the Paladin to tow us out with a tractor beam. Once we are clear of the rift, we should be able to restart the engines and repair systems enough so that the ship can continue on its own power. Closing the rift, that's a whole different problem." (posted by Jason) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Bridge, ATAC Ensign K'ran, 18:28) Listening to the exchange between Cap. Straton and the alien ship K'ran knew the alien commander was saying the wrong thing to Straton. The way the Betazoid captain was responding impressed K'ran. Maybe this Betazoid woman was a better commanding officer than the Klingon hybrid has first thought. "Raise shields and lock all weapons on the Aiglos," the captain ordered. "Aye, Captain," K'ran responded, her fingers flying over her console. "Sheilds raised and all weapsons locked on alien ship. Awaiting your orders, Ma'am." Eva turned her attention back to the alien Red Alert sounded behind her and the Paladin prepared for combat. "It's your call," she said, her voice deadly serious. "Your ship is no match for the Paladin, so think long and hard before you throw away the lives of you and your crew. We came to render assistance but we are fully prepared to defend ourselves as well." K'ran kept her eyes focused on the alien ship, waiting for the command to open fire. The shields were at maximum and all weapons showed ready status. The alien commander really didn't stand a chance if the command came to K'ran. Her heart was racing thinking about the first time she'd be in real combat. Excited by the possibility, the Klingon hybrid kept her emotions on tight control. This was not the place or the time to let emotions get the better of her. She concentrated on the captain and the order to open fire. (posted by Carol) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Bridge, CEO LT Matrix , 18:28) The tension on the bridge was at a fever pitch. The Captain was in her element. Matrix felt confident, energized, ready for any orders. Twitchy wasn't the right word to describe his excitement, but it was close. Something would happen soon and he was ready. "Raise shields and lock all weapons on the Aiglos," the captain ordered. "Aye, Captain," K'ran responded" Matrix added, "Captain, all systems at the ready. Weapons fully operational." "It's your call, your ship is no match for the Paladin, so think long and hard before you throw away the lives of you and yourcrew. We came to render assistance but we are fully prepared to defend ourselves as well." Matrix scanned his engineering station and had queued up alpha three-one just in case it was needed, but the Captain was understating their hand. The Paladin was more than a match for the other ship. ~Let's hope their Captain understands that.~ Time seemed to stop while the crew awaited the response from the other commander. (posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel - Bridge - COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1829) "O'Connor give as much power we need to work these consoles only. Do it little by little. We don't want to expand the rift again." "Aye sir, isolating the engines from power systems, looks like they have an independent power generation system that rebooted when we started the engines back up," Michael said as he brought power back up to the sensors, life support and other systems, leaving tactical off line except for shielding...just in case. ~~Makes sense, singularity based drives aren't the most table things in the world, a backup might not be a bad idea.~~ The problem Michael had was figuring out the computer system. Engineers were a logical bunch in every race he knew about, which usually meant things were fairly similar. Engineering was usually near the bottom and rear of the ship because it was the closer to what ever they used to push the ship. Life support was always well protected, EPS systems always had back ups and were always laid down so that there were as few conduits as possible. Engineers always looked for efficiency, and when you were dealing with humanoids the meaning of efficient was usually pretty standard across the galaxy. This all made figuring out how to power up the ship and what was what, fairly obvious even if he didn't know the language yet. He didn't need to read to know what the sensors were, just a little experimentation told him that, and the Engines were obvious as was tactical. However, everything else in a computer system was up in the air. Computer programmers all had their own style, and if the ship had been in service more than a couple of months, the computer system began to look unique based on the ships best programmer. This meant it was a lot harder to figure out where things were stored in the core, especially without knowing the programmer or the language. However he had to start somewhere, and he would need to find a way to get as much translated as he could. Setting his tricorder on the console, he found he didn't have to isolate it from anything as the rift had done that for him. He had it search for an open port it could link into. "Now if I can just work backwards from the engineering systems," Michael was muttering under his breath, "I can hopefully establish some points of reference, I mean how many different words could there possibly be for warp field. And if I link the tricorded into my comm badge as well, maybe I can get the universal translator module in it, enough information for it to start giving me decent translations. Once I get some translations or at least key words, maybe I can find their version of a universal translator and download out language index into it. Then we can have it translate this computer system for me," Michael continued to mutter to himself, he always worked better when he could talk through problems. His body was feeling amazingly tired and he had only been on the ship for a little more than half an hour. "Doctor, will any of the injured die, if we lowered the gravity to what's normal to us," Michael asked Whetari, after spotting her across the bridge. He couldn't imagine it hurting but he figured he better check before he asked Adams and ended up killing the entire ship. (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel - Control Center - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1830) Ensign Christopher Adams continued to pour over the readouts from the diagnostic he was running on the alien vessel's engineering systems. He pinpointed each collapsed power conduit and looked for ways around it so that he could bring each system up one at a time. "Any luck on translating any of this? Knowing what 'siurrh ieuyye' would really help," said Adams glancing over to Ensign O'Connor with a smile. (reply O'Connor) "Commander," shouted Adams trying to get the attention of Commander Capps. "I think I've gotten sensors back up and going and we've got a problem. There's another alien vessel just outside the rift along with the Paladin with a configuration similar to the one we are on. I've pinpointed all the breaches in the power systems. I can start working on them without having an effect on the rift. I could also go down to engineering and see if this ship has an alternate method of propulsion then the quantum singularity which drives the warp core. Which area do you want me to concentrate first?" (posted by Jason) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Launch bay - Pilot Officer Smith - 18.31) =^=Control to all fighters, Scramble, Scramble=^= Jennifer was glad that she could finally do what she had trained to do. The only thing she hoped was that she did not louse any more of her squadron. Her fears dissipated as she felt a calm close around her as her mind focused on what she had to do. She opened her comm channel. “Ghost Rider flight copies that Control.” She flicked over the comm channel to the rest her flight “Right flight lets go.” She closed the channel took a deep breath. ~Time to earn our pay~ She slammed her fighter to full military thrust and felt the g-forces slam her back into seat as she rocketed off the launch bay and out into space. (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel – Bridge – Ensign SG CMO Nissa Whetari – 1832) "Doctor, will any of the injured die, if we lowered the gravity to what's normal to us," Michael asked Whetari, after spotting her across the bridge. Nissa hesitated, startled by the unique nature of the question. ~He is just being cautious,~ she reminded herself as she checked her tricorder. The none of the injured aliens remaining were seriously hurt enough to be in any more danger than the Away Team itself was in. “No, Ensign, at most they might be confused or disoriented if they awake.” She responded. (Reply O’Connor, iyw) The loss of communication with the Paladin and the increased size of the rift made Nissa wonder if waking one of the wounded aliens would be useful. Though O’Connor and the rest of the team were certainly capable, those who were most familiar with the ship would be best able to help them remedy the situation. ~Though, if they are as hostile as that older male that I encountered, they may not be too keen to assist us.~ Nissa caught Commander Capps’s eye. “Commander? If we need to, we have the option of waking one of the wounded to assist us, if they are willing. While their physiology is somewhat different than most Federation races, I believe that I have the medicines here that I can use to create a stimulant for their systems.” (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel, Bridge - COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1832) Michael had enough, there was no way they were going to figure everything out from the bridge of the ship. Standing up he turned to the commander, "Commander, I want to take Adams and the Doctor down to what ever qualifies for Engineering on the ship. There may be people injured down there, and if we are going to figure out what's going on or how to get us out, we are going to need access to that section of the ship." Michael said. (Reply Capps, assuming a yes) Michael nodded, "Doctor Whetari, Ensign Adams, you're with me, we're going to head down to engineering. Adams, you think you can convince the turbo lift to take us there without voice commands, or should we find what passes for a jefferies tube and hoof it?" Michael asked. (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel - Control Center - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1833) Ensign Christopher Adams looked at Commander Capps for direction when Ensign O'Connor spoke up, "Commander, I want to take Adams and the Doctor down to what ever qualifies for Engineering on the ship. There may be people injured down there, and if we are going to figure out what's going on or how to get us out, we are going to need access to that section of the ship." (reply Capps, assuming a yes) O'Connor nodded and looked towards the doctor and Adams, "Doctor Whetari, Ensign Adams, you're with me, we're going to head down to engineering. Adams, you think you can convince the turbo lift to take us there without voice commands, or should we find what passes for a Jefferies tube and hoof it?" "I should be able to convince one of these lifts to take us there," responded Adams. "It may take me a few minutes while I pull up a map of the ship and then hard code the route into the lift." (posted by Jason) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel – Bridge – Ensign SG CMO Nissa Whetari – 1833) As Nissa checked on one of the patients near his location, Ensign O’Connor spoke up with an idea. "Commander, I want to take Adams and the Doctor down to what ever qualifies for Engineering on the ship. There may be people injured down there, and if we are going to figure out what's going on or how to get us out, we are going to need access to that section of the ship." He said. (Reply Capps, assuming a yes) Ensign O’Connor nodded. "Doctor Whetari, Ensign Adams, you're with me, we're going to head down to engineering. Adams, you think you can convince the turbo lift to take us there without voice commands, or should we find what passes for a jefferies tube and hoof it?" Michael asked. Nissa nodded in return, but then hear a cry from the other side of the Bridge. Through the moderate light on the Bridge, Nissa’s eyes searched for the voice. She carefully made her way to the injured alien, who was seemingly shouting in confusion and pain. ~Well, I guess I don’t need to wake anyone up, now,~ Nissa conceded, preferring patients to return to consciousness naturally rather than wake them. Nissa leaned in near the patient, but kept her distance in case he became violent. “Your lower leg has been crushed and you may have a concussion. The increased bone density prevented you from suffering a complete break, as there are simply hairline fractures in your leg.” She said as she gestured to the male’s leg, head and then leg again, speaking in a calm, soothing voice. “Our translator cannot perform as well when our communications with our ship are out,” Nissa continued, pointing at her mouth, ears and combadge. “But we are friendly and here to assist you. I am going to give you a painkiller, please do not be alarmed.” She finished, leaning over with her hypospray after subtly adjusting the measurements and pressed it to a major artery in the male alien’s leg, which she had previously located with her tricorder. He seemed slightly wary and even possibly panicked as she did so, though he seemed to calm down after a moment. He began to speak, but the language was still incomprehensible and Nissa only gave a sad shake of the head. She looked over and after giving the injured man one last check, she headed to meet Ensigns O'Connor and Adams. (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (Mako fighter - Pilot officer Smith - 1833) Jennifer checked that the rest of her flight had taken off with her as she swung in a tight arc back towards the Paladin. Looking at what was her home always impressed her. The immense size of the Paladin with the twinkling stars as a back drop was spectacular. ~No time for site seeing~ She followed the instruction that she was given by control. “Ghost Rider to Control at marker.” =^= Copy that Ghost Rider. Form up at these coordinates with Shark bait squadron.=^= “Roger that.” She manoeuvred her flight until it was above and slightly in front of the Paladin in a defensive formation. The other squadrons moved to either side of the Paladin. Although Jennifer did not like the formation it was a sound tactical one. Shark bait was made out of Mako fighters which were not as tough as the other class of fighters of the other two squadrons. This formation meant that the she would get support from the Paladins main weaponry. She checked the weapon system for the Eth time. They were still green. She had a full compliment of micro-torpedoes and the phasor cannon was functioning properly. Now all she had to do was to wait for the command to go. (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel - Bridge - ACTO Ensign(jg) Detron Trei - 18.35) Detron told Ames and Brei to restrain a male alien while Whetari preparred the hypospray. Detron sat at the tactical station now aware of a ship like this one directly across from the Paladin. Detron waited for Whetari to make her move and O'conner to figure out the computer system. (posted by Edward) ======================================================================================================================== (QHKL Sunda - Deck 1, Bridge - Subspace Specialist Huor Mahtanion Inglorion - 18:36) Huor slowly opened his eyes, to see himself surrounded by a host of unfamiliar alien species. He tried to bolt, but two of them were holding him fast, and he could feel a sharp pain in his left leg and his head. The best bet, he decided, would be to try to speak with them. "Ya nach? Man le karaol sinome? Nìn nosse naielhain ormet le iire tulyar. Wanyach sin." (posted by SPencer) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel - Bridge - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1837) Nissa caught Commander Capps’s eye. “Commander? If we need to, we have the option of waking one of the wounded to assist us, if they are willing. While their physiology is somewhat different than most Federation races, I believe that I have the medicines here that I can use to create a stimulant for their systems.” "Good idea doctor. We will use it if we must." Calvin responded to the doctor. He thought waking someone would be an excellent idea, but he wasn't ready for that yet. He wanted to give his away team a little more time. "The only option I see," continued Adams. "Is to get the Paladin to tow us out with a tractor beam. Once we are clear of the rift, we should be able to restart the engines and repair systems enough so that the ship can continue on its own power. Closing the rift, that's a whole different problem." As Calvin was still on the console attempting to establish a communications link to the Paladin he continued the conversation. "I am still unable to get communications on line. That plan is not possible at the moment." "Commander," shouted Adams. "I think I've gotten sensors back up and going and we've got a problem. There's another alien vessel just outside the rift along with the Paladin with a configuration similar to the one we are on." ~Another ship?~ "The Captain will have to take care of that ship for now. We will have to trust her to protect us. Don't worry I know she is capable." Christopher continued. "I've pinpointed all the breaches in the power systems. I can start working on them without having an effect on the rift. I could also go down to engineering and see if this ship has an alternate method of propulsion then the quantum singularity which drives the warp core. Which area do you want me to concentrate first?" As Calvin was about to answer the new officer Ensign O'Conner had a similar plan. Standing up O'Conner turned to the commander, "Commander, I want to take Adams and the Doctor down to what ever qualifies for Engineering on the ship. There may be people injured down there, and if we are going to figure out what's going on or how to get us out, we are going to need access to that section of the ship." Michael said. "It seems you and Adams have the same train of thought." Calvin really didn't want to split up the away team. It seemed only the worst could happen from here on out. But he had to believe in his officers opinions. "Agreed. Take the team you want. The rest of us will stay here. We will continue to review sensors, logs, and attmpt to contact the Paladin. I also would like to know what that unknown ship is out there." Michael nodded. He then rounded up his team and began finding a way to get the turbo lift working. As Calvin went back to his console to finish up one last algorithm he heard a faint voice. "Ya nach? Man le karaol sinome? Nìn nosse naielhain ormet le iire tulyar. Wanyach sin." The First Officer was sure it was one of the aliens laying on the floor. He saw Nissa approach in the general area of the voice. He followed and so did Trei. Once the three of them reached the body that was now conscious the doctor attempted to talk with him. She then administered medicine to the injured body. "Doctor we can handle this, meet up with O'Conner and Adams." The unknown alien didn't seem to be violent so he bent over the alien. He looked over at Trei to make sure he was in distance. "Ensign Belden." Calvin called. (reply Belden) "I am going to try to talk with it. Use the translator and lets see if we can pick anything up. (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel - Bridge - ACTO Ensign(jg) Detron Trei - 18.40) Detron left the tactical station to see what the alien male had to say. The universal translator was not working because all he heard was jumbled letters. Detron instructed Ames and Brei to back off the alien for the alien seemed cooperative. Detron told Ames to take over the tactical station so he could assist Brei with the alien. Detron heard Capps order Whetari, Adams, and O'Connor to Engineering. With Capps commanding the away mission, Detron looked to him for his next line of orders. Until he recieved orders, he sat with the alien. (posted by Edward) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel - Control Center - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1848) Ensign Christopher Adams used his tricorder to pull a ship schematic from the computer system and walked down a hallway where he found a lift. Pulling a panel from the wall he started to look at the circuitry inside. It was similar in design to a Romulan ship, but with differences here and there. He traced the circuitry back to the lift's control buffer and was able to use the tricorder to decode the command codes. With the command codes in hand, it was just a matter of putting together the right sequence that would get them to what looked like engineering on the schematic. A few more taps on the tricorder and he had fed the commands into the lift's control buffer. "Okay," said Adams to O'Connor and Whetari. "I think I have it. Ready to go for a ride?" (posted by Jason) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel - Engineering - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1849) Doctor Whetari and Ensign O'Connor joined Ensign Adams on the lift. Once they were on board, Chris hit a button and the left doors closed and they were whisked off into the depths of the ship. After a few seconds, the doors reopened on a dark hall. Adams illuminated the passage with his palm beacon and walked towards a large room which had a strange pulsing glow coming from within. In the middle was a single chamber with half a dozen conduits entering it. Radiating outward from the chamber were several shimmering strings floating in mid air. An intermitted hissing sound could be heard from the strings as air was sucked into them. Sitting in the middle of the chamber was a single glowing ball of energy. Scattered about the floor of the camber were more bodies. Ensign Adams approached the chamber cautiously tricorder in hand. "It appears that the quantum singularity is still getting power and is causing smaller pockets of subspace tears around it. We should avoid contact." (posted by Jason) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel, Engineering - COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1850) Micheal followed ensign Adams out of the turbo lift, Doctor Whetari behind him. It wasn't surprising that they found more unconscious bodies. The singularity drive sat in the center of the room surrounded by glowing strings of energy. pipes and such seemed focus in on it. Ensign Adams approached the chamber cautiously tricorder in hand. "It appears that the quantum singularity is still getting power and is causing smaller pockets of subspace tears around it. We should avoid contact." "All right, first person to loose a limb to the subspace rips buys the rest dinner. Doctor, take a look at the crew, and get back to me with a general opinion on the condition, I'm worried that they are going to be worse of this close to the drive. Also while were down here, you are hereby designated Temporary science officer, keep an eye on your tricorder for anything unusual. Also, when you're checking the crew keep a look out for the guy with the most decoration on his collar or uniform, he's the one we are going to want to talk to if things go south," Michael said with a smile. (Reply Whetari, Adams) Nodding Michael turned to face Adams. "Ok so we have subspace tears forming inside of a ship inside of a subspace tear, joyous day. We need to find a way to either get us out, or contact the Paladin so she can get us out, lets start by taking a look around and figuring out just what everything is down here, until we get the system translated we aren't going to have a whole lot of luck doing much but rudimentary things. I think our primary concern is reestablishing at least a com link with the Paladin, any ideas on that other that going back to basics and flashing the running lights in Morse code?" Michael asked Adams as he kept his eye on Whetari, slowly moving with Adams so he wasn't too far from her in case something happened. (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel - Engineering - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1851) Ensign Michael Ian O'Connor, Doctor Nissa Whetari, and Ensign Christopher Adams stood in the entrance of the alien engineering room. Unconscious alien bodies were scattered about the octagon shaped room. The warp core chamber stood in the middle of the room with engineering work stations on the outside walls. O'Connor turned to Adams, "We need to find a way to either get us out, or contact the Paladin so she can get us out, let's start by taking a look around and figuring out just what everything is down here, until we get the system translated we aren't going to have a whole lot of luck doing much but rudimentary things. I think our primary concern is reestablishing at least a com link with the Paladin. Any ideas on that other than going back to the basics and flashing the running lights in Morse code?" "Not sure," responded Adams. "As you suggested, let's poke around and see what we can find." Ensign Adams started walking counter clockwise around the edge of the room. Standing clear of the subspace tears radiating from the engine core, he scanned each engineering station with his tricorder as he went around. "Internal Sensors. External Sensors. Engine monitoring. Propulsion. Communications." Adams named off the stations as he passed. "Well we know standard communication channels aren't going to work, because our own comm system can't break through the subspace interference. Hmmm," thought Adams. "We could modify the sensors to transmit a positron burst encoded with a message. It wouldn't allow live communication, but we could send messages back and forth. The burst would be picked up by the Paladin's main deflector dish and processed as part of their sensor data, but there's no guarantee that they would know it's a message. It's kind of like Morse code. Just all in one burst of light," said Adams with a grin. (posted by Jason) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel – Engineering Section – Ensign SG CMO Nissa Whetari – 1851) After Adams got the Turbolift working, he, O’Connor and Nissa headed to Engineering. It was an interesting sight to see when they arrived. The middle of the room head a chamber in which seemed to float a glowing ball of energy, though Nissa assumed from its placement in the middle of Engineering that it was some sort of power source. Ensign Adams made his way into the chamber first. "It appears that the quantum singularity is still getting power and is causing smaller pockets of subspace tears around it. We should avoid contact." "All right, first person to loose a limb to the subspace rips buys the rest dinner. Doctor, take a look at the crew, and get back to me with a general opinion on the condition, I'm worried that they are going to be worse of this close to the drive. Also while were down here, you are hereby-designated Temporary science officer, keep an eye on your tricorder for anything unusual. Also, when you're checking the crew keep a look out for the guy with the most decoration on his collar or uniform, he's the one we are going to want to talk to if things go south," Ensign O’Connor said with a wry smile. “I will look after the crew and check my tricorder regularly, Ensign.” Nissa replied with a nod. “But, regarding the rank insignia – who is to say that this race marks their command with more, rather than less or larger insignia. I will evaluate what insignia I see and report back with my observations.” She explained, making her way over to the first body. Limbs splayed at a strange angle, the first body that Nissa came across had third-degree burns over most of its head and torso. The young male died from those and other serious injured to the upper half of his body. Nissa sighed deeply as she moved on to the next body with a sorrowful look. (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel, Engineering - COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1851 ) "We could modify the sensors to transmit a positron burst encoded with a message. It wouldn't allow live communication, but we could send messages back and forth. The burst would be picked up by the Paladin's main deflector dish and processed as part of their sensor data, but there's no guarantee that they would know it's a message. It's kind of like Morse code. Just all in one burst of light," Ensign Adams said after Michael asked for any ideas about communicating with the Paladin. "It's worth a try, however at the moment we don't really have much to tell them. Lets poke around a little bit more see if we maybe can find a secondary system we can use to get us out. Before we send we'll coordinate with Commander Capps, see if he has anything he wants to send as well." Michael said. (Reply Adams iyw) Once he was done with Adams, Michael walked over to where Doctor Whetari was working. "How bad are they, Doc?" Michael asked. "If we can't find a way out ourselves we might need their help., but if it would be kinder to let them sleep, then we'll let them sleep for now." (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel - Engineering - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1901) After informing Ensign O'Connor about a possible method of communicating with the Paladin, Ensign Christopher Adams moved over to the Propulsion station. The computer displays were completely foreign to the young ensign. There were various bars and lines on graphs, but without being able to translate what looked like pictographs on the screen, there was no way he was going to be able to tell what it was saying. His only hope was to get into the insides of the computer, pull down the command codes into his tricorder so that he could analyze them and figure out what they were doing. If anything was universal, it was the fundamental methods of mathematics and computing. They may count in base 8, 10, or 1024, but in the end it all needs to be stored as ones and zeros in the computer memory. Ensign Adams got down on his knees in front of the Propulsion station. He was starting to breath heavy as the extra gravity on the alien vessel was starting to take its toll on his stamina. Adams grabbed two sides of a panel and pulled it off revealing flashing lights that danced across the alien circuitry inside. Adams whipped out his tricorder and started to scan for the primary control circuit. Once he found it, he scanned the contents and had the tricorder analyze the command which were loaded into it. After several minutes, the tricorder finally started to spit out information. Unfortunately, it appeared each propulsion command involved initiating some level of power from the artificial quantum singularity which powered the ship. Thumbing through the list of commands he finally came to one that didn't. The command involved a subspace link between two ships. It didn't say how it was achieved, but the end result was the ship being moved by another ship and it didn't involve drawing any power from this ship's engines. ~Interesting,~ thought Adams with a nod of his head. Still sitting on the ground besides one of the engineering stations, Adams called over to O'Connor, "Ensign. I've analyzed the commands which control the Propulsion Station. It appears there's only one which won't active the ship's engines and it involves another ship. I'm not exactly sure what will happen if we initiate he command, but I can only presume that one ship will pull another ship. Maybe it's some sort of emergency system? We know there's another alien ship out there. What do you think? Should we try and send this information to the Paladin through the positron burst?" (posted by Jason) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel, Engineering - COPS/3O Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1910) Michael perked up from his work with the computer systems when he heard his name. Walking over to where Adams was sitting down in front of what he had listed off as a propulsion terminal earlier. "What do we have?" "Ensign. I've analyzed the commands which control the Propulsion Station. It appears there's only one which won't active the ship's engines and it involves another ship. I'm not exactly sure what will happen if we initiate the command, but I can only presume that one ship will pull another ship. Maybe it's some sort of emergency system? We know there's another alien ship out there. What do you think? Should we try and send this information to the Paladin through the positron burst?" "Compress the sub-routine, and set up the positron burst, and be ready to send it again to the other alien ship if we get the ok from the Paladin, they haven't started firing yet, but we don't know if their friendly yet. Give them what ever information they'll need so they can send an answer we can interpret." Michael said. "Let me know if you need me to do anything. I'll inform the bridge of what we're going to do, internal communication should be ok, although I'll head as far from those strands as I can." Michael said. "Let me know when you're ready to send and I'll let you know if the bridge has anything to add." Michael said. (Reply Adams) Michael nodded and turned, "Doctor, if you have any information you want passed onto the Paladin, or any questions, let Ensign Adams know, he might have a way to pass and receive information." Michael yelled across the room to the Doctor as he moved to the far side of the room to contact the Commander. (Reply Whetari iyw) Tapping his comm badge three times he engaged a local transmission. "Ensign O'Connor to Commander Capps, Ensign Adams might have a way to transmit information to the Paladin. If you have anything you want to send, let me know and I'll make sure it's in the burst transmission. Be aware we are going to rig the sensor to emit a coded positron burst aimed at Paladin." Michael said. (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (Unknown Vessel - Engineering - Ensign JG Christopher Adams - 1915) Ensign Christopher Adams sat on the engineering floor of the alien vessel looking up at the chief operations officer, Ensign Michael O'Connor. Adams had just listed out a few options that they could take and was looking for guidance on what they should do next. "Compress the sub-routine," commanded O'Connor. "…and, set up the positron burst...and be ready to send it again to the other alien ship if we get the okay from the Paladin…they haven't started firing yet, but we don't know if they're friendly yet. Give them what ever information they'll need so they can set an answer we can interpret. Let me know if you need me to do anything. I'll inform the bridge of what we're going to do, internal communication should be okay, although I'll head as far from those strands as I can. Let me know when you're ready to send and I'll let you know if the bridge has anything to add." "Aye, sir," responded Adams. "Actually, I could use some help." Adams threw his tricorder over to O'Connor. (reply O'Connor) "I've downloaded all the command codes into the tricorder. You just need to author the subroutine which will initiate the subspace link between the two ships. I'll work on compressing the message into the positron burst." (reply O'Connor) Adams got off the floor with a loud grunt. Sweat had started to pour down from his brow and he was really breathing hard due to the increased gravity. "Doctor?" Ensign Adams asked looking over to Whetari. "Is there anything you can give me to help me catch my breath? I'm having trouble in this increased gravity." (reply Whetari) Adams lumbered over to the External Sensors console and started looking over the display with the alien pictographs. ~Damn,~ thought Adams. ~Completely unreadable. Can't we all just use the same language?~ Adams opened up his engineering case and pulled out another tricorder and started analyzing the different control schemes. After a couple of minutes he was able to figure out how to use the ship's particle emitters and started authoring the message he was going to send to the Paladin. (posted by Jason) ======================================================================================================================== Hope you enjoyed!